Thursday, 30 October 2008

Chapter 10 - Author's note

This has been a storyline developed by Iyakkunar Selvam Chappli and Script Shreyas. We are extremely thankful to the huge list of friends who were extremely encouraging in helping us with the storyline and screenplay. We thank our parents, also the LastBenchers and the Meeters for have extended their unwarranted support to this venture.

Above all, we thank life's experiences and the various inspirations we derived from the people around us, from our friends, and their traits from which plenty of the character sketches here were developed. We thank CCD, IIT Madras, Chennai Citi Centre Food Court, Cafe Carnival, CPR Road and Hotel Saravana Bhavan, Anna Nagar for providing us with some experiences extremely handy in this storyline.

Thanking all of you, we wish you will make the English version of the story The Road not Taken and the Tam version Thozhiya Kadhaliya, both huge hits.

Thanking you, and taking your leave,
Ever yours,
I.S G.Chappli and S.Shreyas

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